Name: Date: 04/04/2008 Message: Interesting info. Name: xparksx Date: 03/31/2008 Message: Howdy! Hope you are all doing well. Give us a call sometime! Sherri Name: PROS Director Ron Date: 03/30/2008 Message: Thanks everyone who has signed our book lately. Should you have any questions. Email us so we can respond back to you. Name: pros jeff Date: 03/29/2008 Message: Hello everyone, i'm jeffrey, PROS sr. investigator. I just wanted to say hi to all those of you who have stopped in to check out our website. If you have any questions please e-mail me. Name: David Charniak Date: 03/28/2008 Message: Hello P.R.O.S. I live in the Greater Chicago land are and am intrested in starting a investigation team of my own. Was wondering if you had any tips or advice Name: The Dowser Date: 03/25/2008 Message: Hello Ron and Team. Good to see you. Ron PArks Name: PROS Date: 03/22/2008 Message: undertaker: although this is not the place for messages - you need to know that 'Iris' is no longer associated with PROS. We have a new chat and soon will have a new message board you are more than welcome to take a look at! Name: Tracey (undertaker) Date: 03/20/2008 Message: help I cant' figure out how to log into chat !!! Find me Iris !!!! hehehehehe Name: Karen Ryan Date: 03/16/2008 Message: I Love what appears to be the rebirth of a trusted investigative sight without all the apparent strife that was present! I look to wnoderful new things to develop from this new change and can't wait to be a part of it! Thanks so much to Pros Ron, your dedicated new team and all the hard work you do to educate the public! Name: alicat Date: 02/28/2008 Message: very interesting |