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Last site update - You are encouraged to visit PROS on Facebook to contact us or visit us- Weird World | Facebook PROS is now helping conduct the "Spirit Tours at Ft Reno!
Emporium 5-23-24 , 11-6-2023 Bigfoot track . 9-27-23 Ghost Dog. 9-7-23 BIG Black Cat. 8-30-2023 My friends Haunted House! Another investigation 8-30-24!
After 7 years... PROS has decided to take down the viewer cameras.
EVP pg 3
Here are some of our better quality EVPs. Listen to them and let us know what you think.
You may need headphones.
Earlier EVPs listed at the top of this page, newer ones at the bottom.
Keep in mind we capture EVP on a very regular basis at our site. We list the clearer EVPs here on our website. There are weeks we capture some very clear while others are C class. If PROS listed all of the EVPs captured at our site or investigations we would have well into the thousands
The above EVP was captured on August 31st at the LTRS. It seems to be a male voice saying "They're talking." The team was conducting our walkthrough at the time of the EVP.
This whistle is not evp, it was heard by the team present. It was in answer to Karen asking for the response to be loud enough for all to hear. The same night Jeff also got a response, as well as Ron. Those whistles were very faint on audio, yet they were heard audibly - keep in mind those heard by ear are NOT called EVP.
This whistle is not an evp - it was heard by the team. It occurred toward the end of Sitdown when we had said we were closing for the night.
This EVP was captured 9-19-09 during our 3rd sitdown upstairs. It occured while our "Ghostlite" was activating and moving. It seems you can hear a female say "I did it." You can down load the entire file listed on our site under the "Research Tab" located at the top of the page. Next select the EVP analysts file to the left.
Any and all evidence collected from the LTRS or other investigations is considered the property of PROS. Permission must be granted before the use of any evidence or data for any purpose.