After 7 years... PROS has decided to take down the viewer cameras.
Ghost Box Recordings
What is a "Ghost box" ? It's a radio that has been modified to scan radio stations. This modification is believed to allow the disembodied to use the radio to communicate to the user. One must use control questions and answers in order establish possible communication. The method is known as ITC ( Instumental Trans Communication) Radio frequencies have a long established history in ITC Research from many years ago. Collected evidence from the early researchers like Raudive proved to be interesting and promissing in some cases. His research is documented to his book, "Break Through."
For best listening results, use headphones.
Below you will hear one of the clearer responses the PROS Team received using one of our ghost boxes at TV Station 9 in Oklahoma City, on 10-21-11. We've used the ghost box many times with many interactive responses to our questions. Again control words are the key.
Listen, you will hear what sounds like the word , "peanutbutter " being repeated back . This response was captured while the stations staff was present. Each person heard the word peanut. After reviewing the recording. PROS found the requested response listed above.
Equipment and physical limitations could be a factor as to what you might hear when listening.