After 7 years... PROS has decided to take down the viewer cameras.
This is the page and area that I will post some of my ressearch.
I had been conducting EVP sessions for a number of years in my home. Regardless of what you have been told the disembodied voices can be captured anywhere with the right person and equipment. Who? What? And Where do these voices come from? That question is left to be answered in time. Some say ghosts, spirits, aliens, angels/demons, artificial intelligence, or perhaps another place in time ? No one can say for sure. They are fact and scientists along with the Cathlolic Church have studied EVP as a possible way of communication with the dead. The voices are interactive and will respond to our many questions as posted below. Many will say it's "audio pareidolia." In some cases this is true! Others cases the words are to clear. Raudive developed a scale based on clairity. Agin we must always consider a persons hearing abilities too and other factors.
Some of the EVPs and IRCs will be edited to reduce space and listening time but the content will not be altered unless noted.
Note you will need a set of headphones to listen for best results.
Below you will here me ask for the word "dragon fly" as a control word. This ensures me that some disembodied voice is responding to my request of a specific word. Captured 11-06-09
This ITC was captured on 11-07-09 It seems to say, "I'm Debbie from England" when I ask who is here. This recording was not captured on video. Debbie is a regular visitor to my friend's sessions in England.
Captured on 11-07-09 I asked Martin if he found it easy to use my EVP/ITC set up. He replies, "Yes."
Below you will hear Susie asking for our disembodied friends to repeat the word "watermelon" Susie's word was repeated back to us through the ghostbox and static from another radio working in tandem with the ghostbox. This IRC was captured at our research site on 11-14-09.
This clip was captured with my EVP/IRC studio. You can hear Martin saying his name "I'm Martin." This is amazing due to the fact he found me from England while conducting an international EVP/ITC session. His voice is picked up in the US in my studio with his British accent. My partner in this international project says Martin is a regular during his sessions with a ghost box.
I asked Martin if he likes visiting this Yank, he replies, "Yank, God blesses you." you can hear his British accent clearly. This recording was captured 11-07-09 and is not on video
You can hear the words "swimming pool" asked as a control word, the word is repeated twice, recorded on 11-08-09
This ITC was captured during a session with Andy in Washington State. Andy wanted to have some answers on his best friends death. You can hear ED say "You Bet you" clearly. Andy recognized his voice from the response. This was a phrase common for Ed to use.