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P.R.O.S. Investigations, Inc.

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Emporium 5-23-24 , 11-6-2023 Bigfoot track . 9-27-23 Ghost Dog.  9-7-23  BIG Black Cat.   8-30-2023 My friends Haunted House! 

PROS Investigations - Ghost Dog!

PROS Investigations - Big Black Cat

PROS Investigations - My friends Haunting .

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Dead Woman's Crossing  This location is just north of Weatherford Oklahoma,  called Deer Creek, or Dead Woman's Crossing.  The basic story is a woman name is Katy Dewitt James had decided to file for divorce. In early July of 1905 she left her home with her 14 month child. She went missing only to be found in the named above area near the wooden bridge over a month later. The bridge is now gone and replaced. Some reports say she was decpitated and shot behind her ear. Her  husband took the child and more or less vanished. Afterwards reports began about seeing a woman in the creek area calling out for her child. Other reports of seeing a bluish colored orbs. Some reported seeing an apparition of Katy not responding when called to. The sightings and reports continue to this day.

Some have even said if you stand under the bridge you can hear what sounds like wagons passing over head. One report said they could smell what seemed to be sulfur and a bluish mist. Others say if you have cameras and other recorders the activty isn't as likely. and may even malfunction.  PROS/Paranormal  Truth Seekers made up of Ron, Shane and Dakota decided to take a trip to the location and see what we could experience after reading the reports. We arrived around midnight to observe the area for anomalies that might be created by lighting in the area or cars passing. Shane decided to take some pictures with his phone, which produced a bluish aura in the pictures. We counted it as odd and looked for possible causes to include some sort of moisture in the area0r swamp gas?  Further investigation into the cause is pending. We decided to break  out the some of the gear. Cameras, Night Vision gear, and thermal. After a period of monitoring the area for normal and natural causes of what cause what was believed as paranormal happenings we decided to leave and return about an hour later.

Upon leaving the store after talking to the clerk and getting the local scope we began to head back to the bridge.  Shane knew the area well having worked in the oil field.  So we took the long way back to look for possible causes of some of the light anomalies we experienced . Indenpendatly Shane saw a blue streak near the ground and Ron saw a what appeared to be a blue flash to the west of the bridge. Interestingly enough. Shane tried to use his Google Maps. His location kept changing miles apart on the map! Ron pulled up his phone. Activated APRS- Automatic Packet Reporting System used by ham operators  which showed me having started at the store we just left to where we stopped and the route we had taken. That haddn't happened before! It starts when you activate it based on experience. Shane's phone continued to show his location all over the local area and moved as if he were mobile. Shane restarted it only to have the phone continue it's strange behavior. Finally the beacon settled to where it should have been.  Not sure what happened with the phones. We decided it was all odd for sure!  

Once we arrived we began to set up for the investigation. We decided to use the Night Vision camera, Voice recorder, EMF detector, and the TLD 100.Once we started the investigation words seemed to come from the ghost box. We asked for several words to be repeated. Green, red, possibly banana, and scream were heard to come from the ITC device. Shane and Ron had heard a scream about 200 yard east of our location when we arrived back.We had also experienced some one or thing contacting us at the same moment. Shane was touched on his back. Ron felt a vibration on the camera! As he turned to tell Shane spoke up and told me what happened. Ron told him that's what I was going to tell you! That someone or thing had caused my camera to vibrate. We ran the session for about 24 and a half minutes with very interesting results. We said our goodbyes and left feeling like someone, or perhaps some thing had contacted us on their terms. We were pleased with the experiences and spoke about it all as we headed back to the OKC Area.  To see the full video with the words being repeated back click on this link. Like and subcribe to our channel.  Paranormal Truth Seekers on YouTube!

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