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P.R.O.S. Investigations, Inc.

Proud Members of PISA

 Paranormal International Studies Alliance 

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Last site update  - You are encouraged to visit PROS on Facebook to contact us or visit us- Weird World | Facebook     PROS is now helping conduct the "Spirit Tours at Ft Reno! 

Emporium 5-23-24 , 11-6-2023 Bigfoot track . 9-27-23 Ghost Dog.  9-7-23  BIG Black Cat.   8-30-2023 My friends Haunted House! Another investigation 8-30-24! 

PROS Investigations - Ghost Dog!

PROS Investigations - Big Black Cat

PROS Investigations - My friends Haunting .

Everything Updated- NEW! More in the works!


Intense research into the Paranormal by Scientists


No tours in 2025. Some events are in the planning public events. Sky watches ghost hunts at some active locations in Central Oklahoma. 

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Special Interest 

After 7 years... PROS has decided to take down the viewer cameras.

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Team members present:

Jeffrey, Jack Ron, Karen, Tony and Judy

     Upon arrival to the site, Tony and Jack unlocked the building and entered to make sure it was clear and took pictures, while the rest of the team waited outside.  After a few minutes of visiting, we gathered up our equipment and headed upstairs to the 3rd floor to do our 1st sitdown.  At this time we used a new ghost light that I had found earlier in the evening.  While setting up for sitdown it began to activate as soon as we had it in place.  Ron would turn it off, begin to walk away, and as soon as he did, it would activate.  This happened 3 or 4 times.  After we started the sitdown, Judy reported having nine volt sensations.  We also had some taps which came from both the north and south ends of the 3rd floor, this happened several times.  Also, there was a tap that sounded like it came from the stairway.  Another experience that Tony and I had was what sounded sounded like someone exhaling very loudly.  Tony and I were sitting on the elevator side of the 3rd floor, and we were spaced apart maybe 4 or 5 feet.  The sound came from in between us, so it may have been that someone was standing between us.  After a few more minutes, we decided to end the first sitdown and take a break.  After we came back in, Karen and Judy went on a walkthrough while Jack, Ron, Tony and myself watched in the control room.  Not much was found on the ladies walkthrough, except in the basement, when both Karen and Judy thought they heard what sounded like a male voice.  They waited there for a few minutes more, but nothing else happened, so they came back upstairs and ended the walkthrough session.  After that we helped Tony and Judy pack up their gear because Tony had to work the next morning.  So we took a few minutes doing that, and said our goodbyes.  After that we decided to go back up to the 3rd floor to do another brief sitdown before heading home.  During this session, we used Rons ghost box during which time we thought we heard the words "light", "ghostlight" and "Jack".  We also used the laser grid which is going to be a very useful tool for us in the field and also at the LTRS.  Unfortunately this time we weren't able to catch any movement in the grid.  We then ended the invest for the night and headed home.  All in all, it was not as active as it has been the previous weeks but it was good to be at the site and to see everyone on the team and all by friends in the chat room.  I hope you all enjoy reading my report and hope to see everyone again soon.  Thanks and take care.....

                                                                                                    Jeffrey V.

                                                                                                    PROS Sr. Investigator

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