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P.R.O.S. Investigations, Inc.

Proud Members of PISA

 Paranormal International Studies Alliance 

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Last site update  - You are encouraged to visit PROS on Facebook to contact us or visit us- Weird World | Facebook     PROS is now helping conduct the "Spirit Tours at Ft Reno! 

Emporium 5-23-24 , 11-6-2023 Bigfoot track . 9-27-23 Ghost Dog.  9-7-23  BIG Black Cat.   8-30-2023 My friends Haunted House! Another investigation 8-30-24! 

PROS Investigations - Ghost Dog!

PROS Investigations - Big Black Cat

PROS Investigations - My friends Haunting .

Everything Updated- NEW! More in the works!


Intense research into the Paranormal by Scientists


No tours in 2025. Some events are in the planning public events. Sky watches ghost hunts at some active locations in Central Oklahoma. 

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Special Interest 

After 7 years... PROS has decided to take down the viewer cameras.

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Stillwater Residence 

Click here to view the evidence!

PROS was contacted via email by a home owner in Stillwater named Jennifer. There were claims of cold spots, unexplained noises, and a cup was said to fly off the counter in the kitchen area. A tape recorder was left recording while the couple went out. When the audio tape was reviewed there were voices.

We contacted Jennifer and the team made several trips to her residence. On one occasion, a team member saw an apparition of a young boy around 12 years old. After reviewing the EVP's from that investigation, a young boy's voice was indeed captured saying, "Don't touch me" about the time she was leaning down examining a cold spot with her hand.

Another time, Ron was on the phone with his daughter. She was walking to her car in a dark school parking lot. An EVP of a man's voice was captured on audio which whispered, "I want her to find her car." The same male voice is heard again saying, "I arranged those flowers so they would stand up right." We were discussing the flowers at that time.

Click here to view the evidence!

Over time, the haunting progressed to a point to where Jennifer saw a male figure at the most inopportune times.  She felt her privacy was being violated.  She would wake to see him standing near her bed.  Other times she would be poked or pinched by an unseen force.  Jennifer never felt alone in the small apartment.  She also began to see the young boy seen on our first visit there.  Jennifer soon contacted the PROS Team asking what could be done to stop the intrusion in her life.  Ron planned a trip to the home of Mike and Jennifer to calm the couple who were in desperate need of relief from this menacing presence, which was by now causing bruising to Jennifer.  One team member explained to Ron that, as a medium, she would be able to help rid the young couple of the unwanted spirits.  Ron agreed to participate in the cleansing, although he remained somewhat skeptical.

PROS made another trip to the Stillwater apartment.  It was felt the atmosphere had changed from friendly to a slightly fearful environment.  Some EVP was run and some voices were captured. The apartment was cleansed using Native American herbs and rituals.  During the cleansing a choking sound was heard on the digital recorder for several minutes.  A sulfur smell was also noted by everyone present.  We then captured an older male voice asking desperately, "What's that burning stuff?"  Later, during the cleansing, something strange happened.  On the recordings there were at least two minutes that sounded like the recorder went under water.  After the cleansing, the EVPs were not heard again and the environment felt peaceful once again. 

Whatever happened in this apartment in Stillwater is unexplainable yet the methods used to rid this home of the negative spirits was productive in the end.  PROS still stays in contact with the young couple; they say that since the ritual was conducted, the haunting has ended and peace now fills the home.

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