Name: PROSRon Date: 07/01/2007 Message: Thanks for asking about cremation! In my opinion, I would have to go with "no" because the vital energy of a person leaves the body at death -- the basic belief among parapsychologists is that, therefore, it wouldn't matter what happened to the body after death. Ron Name: sarah poe Date: 07/01/2007 Message: what a great site! Name: phillip clark Date: 07/01/2007 Message: a concern i have regarding cremation. both of my parents were cremated, and in your opinion would that totally destroy any hope of channeling their energy in the hope of a future apparition. Name: Kelly Roberts Date: 07/01/2007 Message: Great Research thank you. Name: ROBERT DABLER Date: 07/01/2007 Message: I BELIVE Name: Shane Akins Date: 07/01/2007 Message: this is an interesting site. Name: John Espie Date: 06/30/2007 Message: I am very intersted in this subject Name: Celeste Murray Date: 06/30/2007 Message: Thank you for this site. More and more people are believers. Name: Keith Walker Date: 06/30/2007 Message: Interesting site. I was hoping to hear some EVP's and also view some ghost pics. Can you train someone to do EVP's over the internet? If so, i am interested. Please let me know, Lisa. Thanks. Name: polly Date: 06/30/2007 Message: Unbelievable picture and video. Thank you. |