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P.R.O.S. Investigations, Inc.

Proud Members of PISA

 Paranormal International Studies Alliance 

Face Book page for PROS Members visit us- Weird World | Facebook

Contact Information 

Please sign our guest book located at the bottom of this page.

Last site update  - You are encouraged to visit PROS on Facebook to contact us or visit us- Weird World | Facebook     PROS is now helping conduct the "Spirit Tours at Ft Reno! 

Emporium 5-23-24 , 11-6-2023 Bigfoot track . 9-27-23 Ghost Dog.  9-7-23  BIG Black Cat.   8-30-2023 My friends Haunted House! Another investigation 8-30-24! 

PROS Investigations - Ghost Dog!

PROS Investigations - Big Black Cat

PROS Investigations - My friends Haunting .

Everything Updated- NEW! More in the works!


Intense research into the Paranormal by Scientists


No tours in 2025. Some events are in the planning public events. Sky watches ghost hunts at some active locations in Central Oklahoma. 

Contact PROS for tours-

You will need Quicktime to view videos. Get it at

For questions, help, or an investigation email us.


Special Interest 

After 7 years... PROS has decided to take down the viewer cameras.

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Guest Book 

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Name: sisterclara
Date: 09/06/2009
Message: stoped by

Name: ProsKaren
Date: 09/05/2009
Message: Yes, Dot, I have pictures. If you go to the MB, click on my picture, then click to "view my images" and you will see the building and the train station! Thanks for being here!

Name: Dot
Date: 09/02/2009
Message: Do you have pictures of the outside of the building?

Name: Jennifer
Date: 08/29/2009
Message: Great site!! looks like you guys do some really good work!!

Name: towman
Date: 08/17/2009
Message: having a great time here, best site ever! thanks everyone :)

Name: towman
Date: 08/09/2009
Message: I sat in on a investigation tonight, very cool, I atayed here the rest of the night, and I'll be back. this is my new favorite Ghost Hunting Site

Name: keith
Date: 07/13/2009
Message: wow alot of strange noises . Have not seen anything yet. Will keep looking.

Name: Hi. Awesome site. You guys are incredibly talented at what you do. It is an inspiration for many like myself who love to be involved in the paranormal field. I can't say that I have had much personal experiences. However, I am looking to change that. My friend R. Martin and I have been working together and learning more about the paranormal. We have been on a few local investigations and have caught some evidence. Mostly EVP's. However, we are both interested in getting a team together. Can't wait to learn from you guys.
Date: 07/07/2009
Message: Hi. Awesome site. You guys are incredibly talented at what you do. What an inspiration for many like myself. I can't say that I have had much personal experiences, however, I am looking to change that. My friend R. Martin and I have been working together and learning more about the paranormal. We have been on a few local investigations and have caught some evidence. Mostly EVP's. We are both working on getting a team together. Can't wait to learn from you guys.

Name: SuzyQ
Date: 07/05/2009
Message: Great website. Keep up the good work and good luck in your endevours.

Name: Tim Worthington
Date: 07/01/2009
Message: I love watching taps have always been interested in the paranormal. Would love to go on one of your tours!

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All Information, Images, And/Or Sound Files contained within this site are COPYRIGHTED to Pros Investigations.

All contents of this website is the exclusive property of

PROS INVESTIGATIONS.COM and is not to be reproduced without explicit written permission from PROS INVESTIGATIONS.COM !