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P.R.O.S. Investigations, Inc.

Proud Members of PISA

Paranormal International Studies Alliance

Contact Information 

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Last site update   

Emporium 5-23-24 , 11-6-2023 Bigfoot track . 9-27-23 Ghost Dog.  9-7-23  BIG Black Cat.   8-30-2023 My friends Haunted House! Another investigation 8-30-24! 

PROS Investigations - Ghost Dog!

PROS Investigations - Big Black Cat

PROS Investigations - My friends Haunting .

Everything Updated- NEW! More in the works!


Intense research into the Paranormal by Scientists


No tours in 2024.

Contact PROS for tours-

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For questions, help, or an investigation email us.


Special Interest 

After 7 years... PROS has decided to take down the viewer cameras.

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Welcome to P.R.O.S Investigations! We INVESTIGATE all things paranormal Cryptids too!  Updating the site!

Victor Zammit's 1 Million dollar Challenge for skeptics!   

SCOLE Experiment - Research study into the Paranormal

The Scole Experiment link

 Home of the professional invesitgators and researchers, where common sense and logic rule over evidence .

Are huantings real? Is it all in the mind? -

YouTube- "Paranormal Truth Seeker."


                                              I don't know what it was! Some thing interesting! 


If you need the PROS Team to investigate your home or business click below.

PROS Investigates

or e-mail us at

Pictures of PROS at Frontier City during October 2011

Check out our media / video events with News 9 and Univision. Under Tours/Events tab on the top of this page.

Watch the transformation from relic to reality.

Inside the PROS LTRS

Finding Answers Through Science

P.R.O.S Investigations is a group of like minded people that pursue a common passion to learn how the world around us functions. Some of our members have over 40 years  of experience in research, investigations and events considered paranormal in nature. Since the beginning of time people have had a fear of things they do not understand. Wind, rain, and lightening were all considered paranormal at one time. Through science and the determination of curious people that were willing to take the criticism and stigma for questioning the unknown, and at times, the religious beliefs of their community, many things have been explained. Thanks to some of these early investigators, giant leaps in understanding and technology has changed the world forever. One should also keep in mind, some say we only use a small percentage of our brains. What are the possibilities the unused portions allow one person to see and hear things others cannot?

P.R.O.S Investigations does not expect to change the world, but we do share the enthusiasm and curiosity of those early investigators. Paranormal investigation is a vast field. Ghosts are just one part of the mystery, psychics and mediums, psychometry, clairvoyance, and telepathy are other mysteries of the paranormal field. to include aliens. UFOs, Crypids like Bigfoot and others.

  Experiencing the paranormal can be frightening to many people knowledge of what is happening to them is the first step to removing that fear. P.R.O.S has some  members on staff who have attained  a certification in parapsychology, and EVP research.  Some members have many years of research into the paranormal. We want to have the knowledge and understanding to address questions of the paranormal no matter what area of parapsychology questions pertains to

The LTRS was our research site where we had studied the paranormal for about 10 years. The LTRS is an old warehouse dating back to the late 1800s. Paranormal activity has been reported by a number of people at the location. Research is done by taking a subject and measuring it's responses to different stimuli under controlled conditions and recording the results. Normally research is done by taking the subject of study to a lab. In paranormal research you have to take the lab to the subject. That is what we were doing at the LTRS. We had set up live camera feeds 24/7 to our website so anybody could observe activity along with us. We also had a live audio feed to hear what is happening in the building. We had experiments set up in different areas of the building to document kinetic activity. We had measures in place to inform us of exactly who and when anybody enters the building.

We at P.R.O.S wanted you to study, and be involved with us. We conducted our research  investigations starting  about 700-900p.m. during the winter and at about 10:00 p.m. during the summer. The investigation was broadcasted live on this website. People could join our chat and participate in the investigations. We were in touch with the chat room to answer questions.  At times took questions from the chatters and ask them during sitdown. During our time at the LTRS. We learned and shared many things. A lifetime of experiences were shared with the PROS Team and our viewers. Thanks to everyone who was ever a part of what we did.- Ron.

P.R.O.S. is dedicated to research of the paranormal but one of our main purposes is public education. We are always available to anyone with questions or are in need of an investigation. Our services are always free of charge and strictly confidential. Just contact us at

The PROS Team

If you need the PROS Team to investigate your home or business click below.

PROS Investigates

Ghosthunting is done by amateurs/ thrill seekers.

If you need true paranormal investigating ,educated and experienced answers you need.


Currently PROS is no longer conducting ghost tours at this location. Should you have questions about tours or speaking engagements email us! 

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Geomagnetic Field:
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