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P.R.O.S. Investigations, Inc.

PROS Directors 

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Ron is the founder of PROS- Investigations,  and holds a certification in parapsychology, trained and guided by Dennis Hauck international author  and consultant for the movie White Noise.  Ron is the teams Parapsychologist. He is an advanced EVP technician and researcher who also has conducted ITC experiments and research. (Instrumental Trans Communications using video).. Both Ron and his twin brother have experienced paranormal events since the age of four, inspiring a life-long interest in documenting and analyzing subjective and objective data, anecdotal evidence, and investigative techniques. He has studied the paranormal for over forty years, however EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) is his specialty.  He has researched and investigated EVP since 1981. Ron also devotes his time and expertise to the paranormal community by teaching and consulting, conducting ongoing ghost tours and continued research, accepting public and private speaking engagements, granting interviews, and participating in media events. He served a short time in the Army where he learned the importance of teamwork and that good communication skills are a must. .  Ron is also a graduate from the North American School of Firearms and  a advocate of gun rights. He has worked with the OKBIC led by State Rep. Charles Key (Oklahoma Bombing Investigation Committee) as a legal researcher and investigator. Ron is also a volunteer first responder and trainer/ Instructor with CERT ( Community Emergency Response Team), and registered as a storm spotter and storm spots with the state . Ron a licensed ham radio operator who can provide emergency communications in disasters when needed for the state of Oklahoma. He's a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Mason (perpetual member) and The Chaplin for The Inn Keepers . A past Shriner too, he enjoys hunting, fishing, and spending time with those he loves, and learning about the paranormal and the great mysteries of life, studying history along with praticing graphology( hand writting analyst).  Tony, Judy, Karen, Jeff, and Rev. Jack were all part of the team that investigated.

PROS-TONY is now active investgating with the team. He brings a lot of expereince to the table and tools of the trade! Tony - Site Director when we investigated the LTRS and was one of the investigators.  PROS is currently working on planning future investigations soon! We are looking forward to having Tony investigating with us, his past experiences in the field bring a lot to the table of investigating in locations. Thanks Tony for all you do, and have done in the past! Looking forward to you helping with the tours at Ft Reno once again and helping "Weird World" as a subject matter expert. ( Pictured Below) 

PROS  - Psychic/ Medium or Seer   " Tara" not her real name. Has worked with law enforcement in the past with her abilities, the Catholic Church and other organizations.   She a very well resepected friend who's psychically gifted. I personally tested her for her for her gifts. More than just once! She always knew things before she got to the location. The clients would disclose personal experience to me which somehow "Tara" knew! Over and over I had to wonder how she knew. She is a great friend and addition to the PROS Team when needed! Thank YOU TARA for all of your past work with us. She's a living example of "seers" in the past. Like Peter Hurkos, Gerard Crosiet and others well know Psychics. ( Not in picture)

Anna , is one of the ones who trains and investigates with PROS. She also runs and manages the Facebook pg - "Strange Oklahoma." She has had some events in her life considered Paranormal. Welcome aboard! She also helps manage Weird World too, Ron's page on PROS. Thanks Anna! ( Pictured below) 

Rev Jack Howell who has been with PROS Investigations many years. He serves as a investigator and helps with " spiritual problems." Jack also advises PROS and others on methods of investigating the paranormal. Jack holds a Certification in Parapsychology, and has worked in EVP, ITC experiments with Ron in the past. Jack questions all events paranormal. Ghosts, UFOs, and Cryptids. Jack continues to study all events related to the paranormal to have a better understanding of the field or research into subjects. Jack , he is also a subject matter expert with "Weird World- " You have to question everything." " When you can't explain something, you leave it UNKNOWN."  Jack knows what he's talking about, and helps others to learn by questioning everything. Thanks Jack.  PROS Ron- " When in doubt, throw it out!" Jack is now on PROS Face Book page- Weird World | Facebook

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